How do I sign up?
Simply create an account on the Azeeda portal:
Within our user-friendly portal you'll be able to submit and view your designs, generate affiliate links to promote your products, get a comprehensive view of all your earnings, alongside a plethora of additional features and perks. What's more, by referring fellow designers to join the buzzing Azeeda community, you'll earn money whenever they generate earnings on the portal!
If you're a budding or established artist looking to earn money from your talents then we are the people to speak to. We can put your designs on all manner of amazing products and get them in front of millions of customers, just looking for the next exciting thing. We pay you a commission on every product that features one of your designs - and all you need to do is send your artwork to us!

What do you want from me?
Your talent! Your ideas! Your creativity!
We have state-of-the-art equipment and loads of products to work with - what we need are cool designs to put on them. That's where you come in. You send us your works of art and we do all the hard work of getting them ready for print, putting them on the products and shipping them to the customer - leaving you to focus on doing what you do best, making great artwork!
You'll need to follow some guidelines about submission (formats, quality etc.) but anyone can do it. We have everyone from people who doodle by hand and scan their work in at the library, right through to professionals who create digital art - we can accommodate nearly anyone. There are no sign up fees, no submission fees, no origination fees - we'll never ask you for any money. We want your ideas and talent and we're happy to pay you for them.
What if I'm not an arty person?
Never fear, if you're not the creative type or don't want to submit designs you can still earn with Azeeda. Firstly, by promoting products on the Azeeda website using your unique affiliate ID and earning referral commission. Or secondly, by recruiting talented designers and promoters (those arty people that do want to submit designs or influencers who enjoy promoting great products) and earning a talent scout commission.
What’s in it for me?
Money! Recognition! Speedboats!
Ok, the last one you'll have buy yourself, but we can help with that. Whenever a product featuring one of your designs sells, or sells through your affiliate link or via one of your talents, you will be paid a commission which is calculated as a percentage of the value of the product. Your earnings are tallied in the portal for you to keep track of and once available (after a 30 day period from sale) we send you a payment via PayPa whenever you request a settlement. It's that easy.
As a designer, you'll also be able to point to your work on hundreds of products, your name on a world-leading website and say 'Look mum, I'm famous!'. You can't buy speedboats with that, though...
What do you put the designs on?
Well, seems like it, anyway. We've got a huge list of products that we put the designs on, from the obvious ones like T-shirts to things you really wouldn't expect - like keyring torches, egg cups and temporary tattoos. We're always adding new product lines as well as we get new machinery or just figure out new ways of doing things. This is great as the first thing we do is go back through all our designs and put them on the new products. Even designs submitted two years ago suddenly start making you extra money. To see our current products, check the website and look at the 'products' filter on the left.
Where will the designs end up?
On this website, for one! We also have accounts on the big selling platforms (Amazon, eBay etc.) and we look at adding new venues as we come across them. We ship worldwide in five languages as well, so the designs truly have a global reach. We think there's something really neat about a Cuban designer drawing a Welsh dragon that sells on an Australian website for delivery to the Netherlands.
Who owns the copyright on designs?
The designer who submits them. They retain the copyright and ownership but grant us a non-exclusive right to use the designs to create our items with. All the detailed info about this is in our Azeeda policy documentation.